By clicking CONTINUE, you authorize your wireless carrier to use or disclose information about your account and your wireless device, if available, to Sunward or its service providers for the duration of your business relationship, solely to help them identify you or your wireless device and to prevent fraud. See our Privacy Policy to see how we treat your data.

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This pre-qualification is a process by which Sunward (the Credit Union) will begin evaluating how much credit you may be eligible to borrow from the Credit Union. Pre-qualification for credit is not the same as applying for or being approved for credit, but it can help both you and the Credit Union get an idea of what you could qualify for and be approved to borrow.

By providing the information requested above and clicking "Continue", you are representing and affirming that: (1) the information you input on this screen, and which you provide or affirm further in this process, is your own personal data and (2) it is true and correct as of the time of submission.

Pre-qualification information represents what the Credit Union believes you may qualify to borrow, based on the information you provide and some initial information about you that’s received from a credit reporting agency (sometimes called a "credit bureau"). By selecting one or more of the offers (if any), you will be provided additional information about that borrowing opportunity and will be given a chance to apply.

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